Comparison of Postprandial Blood Sugar Levels After Consuming Green Tea and Black Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.))
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Blood glucose levels are the amount of glucose content in blood plasma. Blood glucose levels are influenced by the amount of food consumed, weight gain and age, stress and emotional factors, and exercise. Increased blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) have the potential to cause the risk of Diabetes Mellitus. Preventing hyperglycemia can usually be achieved with diet, exercise and the use of appropriate medication. The use of chemical drugs has side effects if consumed continuously. An alternative that can be done is to consume tea (Camellia sinensis) which has one function as an antidiabetic. The polyphenol content in tea is reported to slow sugar absorption by inhibiting α-amylase and α-glucosidase in vitro and in vivo. The polyphenol content in tea can regulate blood glucose levels.
Objective: This research was conducted to compare the effectiveness of black tea and green tea in controlling postprandial blood glucose.
Materials and Method: Experimental study with a quasi-experimental research design. Sampling was taken using purposive sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. This study used 48 subjects aged 18-23 years who were divided into 3 groups who were treated by consuming 200 ml of green tea solution, black tea and a control group consuming mineral water.
Results: Comparison of postprandial blood glucose levels between groups that had consumed green tea and black tea on day 3 with a value of p=0.027 and on day 7 with a value of and p=0.002 (p<0.05).
Conclusion: It is known that postprandial blood glucose levels are lower in the group consuming green tea compared to the group consuming black tea. However, both have the effect of lowering blood glucose levels.
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