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Background: The condition of the oral health of the Indonesian people is still in the poor category. Based on Riskesdas 2018 data, in Maluku there are 66.7% of people still have problems with oral health. People who have received oral care from medical personnel are 7.2%. This is due to the lack of health centres with dentists. Seram Islands is one of the islands in Maluku Indonesia that still lacks Dentist personnel at its Sub-District Health Centre. This condition has an impact on the high level of tooth decay experienced by the community from a young age. Low knowledge of the causes of tooth decay, limited services for oral health causes the community to have a mindset, that tooth extraction is the best solution to the dental problems faced, even though clinically the teeth can still be maintained. Objectives: This study aims to obtain an overview of the profile of indications for tooth extraction based on the sociodemographics of the community in Seram Island, Maluku. Methods: Retrospective descriptive study analysing secondary data based on sociodemographic characteristics such as age, gender, extracted tooth region and disease diagnosis. The sampling technique was total sampling of all patients who underwent tooth extraction in the implementation of Social Activity Moestopo Jelajah Nusantara 2024 in 8 sub-districts in Seram Island Maluku. Results: Tooth extraction was mostly carried out in the female group (68.9%) with an adult age category of 26-45 years (47.2%), the most commonly extracted region was the mandibular molar tooth region (50.4%) with a diagnosis of gangrene radix (55.9%). Conclusion: The indication for tooth extraction in Seram Island Maluku was dental caries that had developed gangrene radix and was carried out mostly in the adult female group and mostly carried out on the lower jaw molar teeth.
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