Quality of Life Description for Elderly Patients Using Dentures
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Background: One of the key components of the stomatognathic system is the teeth. Health professionals are concerned about the public's understanding of the importance of oral and dental examinations. The fact that only a very small number of Indonesians receive dental and oral care when they have dental and oral problems proves this. The aging process is a natural event that no one can completely avoid. People aged 60 years or older are considered elderly. Tooth loss is a result of this process, which impacts the teeth and periodontal tissues. The activities and functions of the oral cavity can be disrupted if tooth loss is not treated, thereby reducing the quality of life. Another option is to use dentures. Objective: The quality of life of elderly patients who use dentures is currently unknown. Therefore, through this research, we want to know how the quality of life of elderly patients who use dentures is described. Method: This type of research is descriptive, with a cross-sectional research design. The number of subjects was determined using the total sample, snowball method. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents in the form of a google form. Results: The results of this research can be seen through tables based on the answers to the questionnaire given to elderly respondents. The majority of elderly respondents seemed satisfied and comfortable with using dentures. This is based on findings from answers from the elderly. Conclusion: The quality of life of elderly denture users is included in the good category.
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