The The Effect of Immersing Basil Leaves Infusion (Ocimum Sanctum L) on The Surface Roughness of Heat Cured Acrylic Resin Plates
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Background: The aging population in the world is a challenge for dentists in providing oral care for the elderly, especially for denture users. Acrylic resin heat cured type is currently a material commonly used as a denture base material. Basil leaves (Linnaeus) is widely used by the community and has an acid content. Basil leaves are proven to be a denture cleaning agent but can cause erosion on the acrylic resin plate.
Materials and Methods: The type of research used in this research is a laboratory experimental design using Pre-test and Post-test Group Design. In this study there were 4 working groups with each group consisting of 6 samples per treatment to be examined, so that the total sample to be used was 24 samples. Then, before and after immersion, the surface roughness measurement was carried out on the sample. Then the data analysis was carried out using the normality test Shapiro-Wilk, homogeneity test Levene Test, and statistical tests Paired T-Test.
Results: There were significant differences in the acrylic resin plates before and after immersion in basil leaf infusion. Conclusion: There is an effect of immersing basil leaf infusion on the surface roughness of the acrylic resin plate heat cured type.
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