Analysis of Mineral Salt from Daemonorops rebustus
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Rattan (Daemonorops rebustus) is widely used as salt or flavoring traditionally. However, research on the mineral (anions and cations) of the ash of the rattan plant has never been reported. The purpose of this study is to determine the mineral content (anions and cations dissolved in water) contained in the rattan leaf ash by qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The method used was the collection of lambing rattan samples in Boven Digoel district, preliminary tests of cations and anions, and then testing of cation/anion contretation from rattan. The results obtained showed that the water-soluble anions detected in the ash of rattan leaves from were chloride ions (Cl-) of 21.02%. Meanwhile, the others cations and anions tested were not found.
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