Anticoagulant Activity of Ethanol Extract Arcangelisia Flava ( L. ) Merr
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Many types of plants can be used as medicinal plants, one of which is the Arcangelisia flava plant (L.) Merr (A. flava). According to the people of Maribu-Sentani-Papua, A. flava is used as medicine for antimalarial, jaundice, and diabetes. This study aims to determine the anticoagulant activity of A. flava ethanol extract using the Lee-White method. This research uses human blood with blood groups A, B, O, and AB who do not have blood coagulation disorders. Tests were carried out each with 5 treatments with two replications. The first treatment was carried out on blood as a control, the second treatment was on blood treated with ethanol, the third treatment was on blood treated with EDTA, the fourth treatment on blood given EDTA and A. flava extract, and the fifth treatment on blood given A. flava test extract. The results of the study showed that A. flava extract using a concentration of 150 ppm did not have an anticoagulant effect on human blood groups A, B, O, and AB.
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