Evaluation of Serological and Molecular Detection Methods for HBV and its Associated Risk Factors among General Population in the Province of Babil/ Iraq
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In Babylon Governorate, the frequency of viral hepatitis B in the general population was evaluated. A total of 354 members of the general community with ages ranging from <15 to >45 and a mean of 38.64 years old were randomly selected for the study and tested for anti-HBsAg, HBc IgM and Viral load. The findings of the current study showed a prevalence rate of 3.95% of HBV in the general population where fourteen samples had positive HBsAg while the highest risk of infection (5.6%) was found for individuals older than 45Yrs. According to gender, males were more likely to be infected than females (10:4 vs. (71:4:28.6), respectively. For the residency status, the rate of infection was 2:1 for the total of (14) positive anti-HBsAg, of which nine were in rural areas and five of them were in urban areas. Compared to anti-HBsAg, which was obtained by an ELISA test, the diagnostic marker anti-HBc IgM was more consistent with the viral load/Ml of HBV determined by RT-PCR.
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