A Comparative Study of Split Thickness Skin Graft (STSG) With Jalaukavacharana and without Jalaukavacharana in the Management of Dushta Vrana (Chronic Non- Healing Ulcer)
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Background: Ulcer is the break in the continuity of covering epithelium either skin or mucous membrane. In Ayurveda it is described as Vrana. Jalaukavacharna is type of Raktamokashana. Split thickness skin Grafting is the type of skin grafting.
Aims and Objectives: To Assess and compare the effect of Jalaukavcharna in acceptance of STSG in both groups with changes obtained in Pre decided criteria.
Material and Method: It was randomized, open labeled clinical study. Total enrolled 30 patients were equally divided in two groups. In Group A pre treatment of Jalaukavacharna done for 5 days and then STSG procedure done. In Group B only STSG done.
Observation and Results: Signed rank test suggest that there is highly significant difference in Adherence of STSG, Discharge and Color (p<0.001), But no significant difference in Graft edema (p =1.00) and Foul smell (p=0.5) in Group A. There is highly significant difference in Adherence of STSG, Discharge and Color (p<0.001), But no significant difference in Graft edema (p =0.5) and Foul smell (p=0.5) in Group B. Mann Whitney U test suggest that there is no significance difference between two groups.
Discussion: Pre-treatment of Jalaukavacharana before STSG is not more effective in acceptance of STSG than only STSG without pre-treatment of Jalaukavacharana in the surgical management of Dushtavrana.
Conclusion: Split Thickness Skin Graft with Jalaukavacharna is not beneficial statically.
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