Differences in Saliva pH before and after Gargling Betel Leaf Mouthwash in Periodontitis with Smoking Habits
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Background: Saliva is one of the determinants of oral conditions and is easily available to diagnose and control periodontal disease. Smoking is also one of the causes of periodontitis. Periodontitis is a multifactorial chronic inflammatory disease associated with the accumulation of dental plaque (biofilm) and characterized by progressive damage to the tissues supporting the teeth, including the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Periodontitis can be minimized by using betel leaf (Piper betle L.) herbal mouth was, which has been proven to have many properties with minimal side effects
Objective: This study aims to determine whether there are differences in salivary pH before and after gargling with betel leaf mouthwash (Piper betle L.) in periodontitis patients with smoking habits.
Methods: The study used an experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling.
Results: The Wilcoxon test indicated that saliva pH increased after using betel leaf mouthwash for gargling (p-value=0.000).
Conclusion: Using betel leaf mouthwash (Piper betle L.), can increase salivary pH and effectively stabilize salivary pH for periodontitis patients with smoking habits.
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