Bibliometric Analysis of Factors Associated with the Incidence of Rehospitalization in Congestive Heart Failure Patients Using Vos-Viewer

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Ramiro da Costa Mariz
Josue Nendito de Almeida Pereira
Gregorio Januario Guterres Menezes
Amin Samiasih


Congestive heart failure is a condition where the heart pumps blood inadequately so that the body's needs such as nutrition and oxygen are not fully met. One of the complications that occurs is excess fluid or hypervolemia which is characterized by edema, increased body weight and shortness of breath. The aim of this study was to identify patterns or trends in scientific publications regarding factors that cause re-hospitalization in congestive heart failure patients. This study uses bibliometric methods to examine overall research regarding factors that influence rehospitalization rates in congestive heart failure patients. VOSviewer is used to extract search results after the Publish or Perish application is used to search the database. The findings show that the terms have been characterized as the number of basic terms that are expected to utilize VOS-watcher. After investigation, there are 5 groups (red, blue, purple, yellow, and green) which describe the relationship between different subjects. The VOS viewer offers three different visualizations to demonstrate bibliometric mapping: network visualization, overlay visualization, and density visualization. Keywords such as “heart failure,” “hospitalization,” “cardiovascular,” “risk factors,” and “readmission” were most frequently used. I searched for a number of scattered articles about examining factors related to rehospitalization in patients with congestive cardiovascular disease using VOS-Watcher, and I found 10 Rankin concentrations related to this, no one of which came from Indonesia. This bibliometric technique is very important for determining uniqueness when conducting additional research because it highlights key themes in each field of science or previous research related to the analysis of factors associated with re-hospitalization in congestive heart failure patients.

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How to Cite
da Costa Mariz, R., Josue Nendito de Almeida Pereira, Gregorio Januario Guterres Menezes, & Amin Samiasih. (2025). Bibliometric Analysis of Factors Associated with the Incidence of Rehospitalization in Congestive Heart Failure Patients Using Vos-Viewer. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Bio Medical Science, 5(2), 137–142.


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