Factors Associated with Dental Trauma First-Aid Knowledge of Physical Education Teachers
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Introduction : dental trauma refers to injuries sustained by the hard tissues of the teeth and the supporting periodontal structures as a result of mechanical forces. Such injuries can occur suddenly and necessitate prompt treatment. This type of trauma is especially common among children aged 7 to 12 years, and timely intervention is crucial, as delays can lead to complications such as infections, abscesses, and pulp necrosis.
Method : this study was an analytical study with cross-sectional design. The target population comprised sports teachers in South Jakarta who were members of the DKI Jakarta Phisycal Education Teachers Group. The sample included teachers who fulfilled the specified inclusion criteria. These criteria were: active sports teachers currently instructing at elementary schools in South Jakarta, those willing to provide informed consent via Google Forms, and individuals who completed the questionnaire in Google Forms. The exclusion criteria consisted of teachers who signed the informed consent form but failed to complete the questionnaire. The total sample size for this study was 102 participants.
Result : Based on the results of comparative tests on level of knowledge with gender, the results showed p-value=0.148, experience of seeing dental trauma p-value=0.153, teaching experience p-value=0.164, participation in training p-value=0.163, and experience of dental trauma p-value -0.0015. Of the five factors, only experience of dental trauma was proven to significantly influence the level of sports teachers' knowledge of first aid for dental trauma. Conclusion : the factor that is proven to influence the level of sports teachers' knowledge of first aid for dental trauma is personal experience of experiencing dental trauma.
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