Characterization and Repellent Activity of Anti-Mosquito Briquettes from Langsat Fruit Peels Using Nutmeg and Coconut Shell Charcoal
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Waste disposal poses a serious environmental issue, but waste can be utilized as a benefit to the environment. Langsat fruit peels are a potential waste material with anti-mosquito properties. One common use of briquettes in society is as a mosquito-repellent. Langsat fruit peels can serve as an effective ingredient for mosquito-repellent briquettes. The advantage of repellent briquettes made from langsat fruit peels is that they do not interfere with respiratory health. This study aims to determine the physical characteristics of briquettes and the repellent activity of anti-mosquito briquettes made from langsat fruit peels. This research is experimental in nature and uses primary data obtained from laboratory testing. The study found that the moisture content of formulas I, II, and III was 7.89%, 9.07%, and 6.15%, respectively. The ash content of formulas I, II, and III was 3.60%, 2.35%, and 5.45%, respectively. The volatile matter content of formulas I, II, and III was 97.05%, 96.35%, and 96.97%, respectively. The calorific value of formulas I, II, and III was 6009.72 cal/g, 5670.68 cal/g, and 6352.11 cal/g, respectively. The mosquito-repellent effectiveness of formulas I, II, and III lasted for 02:44 minutes, 02:49 minutes, and 02:43 minutes, respectively. Langsat fruit peels exhibit repellent activity due to the bioactive compounds present in the peels. In the characterization tests, the moisture content of formulas I and III met the SNI (Indonesian National Standard) requirement of ≤8%. The ash content of formulas I, II, and III also met the SNI standard of ≤8%. However, the volatile matter content of formulas I, II, and III did not meet the SNI standard of ≤15%.
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