The Relationship between the Level of Knowledge Regarding Human Egg Preservation and Age among Female Lectures in Enugu State Universities
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Background: As a woman ages, the quantity and quality of her eggs naturally decline. This can adversely affect her fertility as well as the success rate of egg preservation.
Objectives: This paper examined the relationship between age and levels of knowledge of female lecturers in universities in Enugu state, regarding egg preservation and the nature of human oocyte.
Materials and Methods: The descriptive survey design was adopted. Participants consisted of female lecturers who were selected using purposive and accidental sampling technique. The study utilised a self structured questionnaire whose reliability was established through KR20 reliability procedure with a reliability coefficient of 0.78. Four hypotheses where formulated to guide the study. The questionnaire was administered to two hundred (200) female lecturers of which one hundred and seventy one (171) was returned in usable condition and used for the study.
Results: The result showed that age has a significant influence on level of knowledge of egg preservation, reason for egg preservation, the procedure for egg preservation and the nature of human oocyte among female lecturers in universities within Enugu state.
Conclusion: It was concluded in the study that age influences the knowledge of nature of human oocyte, egg preservation, reasons for egg preservation and procedure involved in egg preservation
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