Oral Health Related Quality of Life and Oral Hygiene Practice Patterns in 11-14 Year Old Children (Study at SMP PGRI 1 Cibinong, Bogor, West Java)
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Background: According to RISKESDAS West Java in 2018, the prevalence of oral hygiene practices was only 5.9% in children aged 10-14 years, so the low rate will have an impact on oral health problems. Children's quality of life refers to children's well-being and satisfaction with their oral health conditions, as well as their psychosocial consequences. Some studies suggest that oral health problems in children have an impact on the dimensions of children's functioning, such as drinking difficulties, eating difficulties, speaking difficulties, and missing school. The purpose of this study was to explain the quality of life of children related to their oral health and oral hygiene practice patterns of children aged 11-14 years at SMP PGRI 1 Cibinong.
Materials and Methods: The type of research used is a descriptive quantitative survey, with Proportional Stratified Random Sampling technique. The questionnaire consisted of 8 questions about oral hygiene practice patterns, and CPQ11-14 in the form of 38 questions about children's quality of life related to oral health.
Results and Discussion: The results showed that OHRQoL (Oral Health Related Quality of Life) of children aged 11-14 years, the majority described their oral health condition as "quite good" with a prevalence of 104 students (33.33%). A frequent problem was food stuck between the teeth. Emotional well-being was generally stable, although some students occasionally felt frustrated regarding their oral health condition. The social impact of the majority of students did not feel difficulties in interacting with friends or family due to oral health problems. The results also showed that almost most of the respondents, 125 students (40.06%), had never visited a dentist. The majority of students reported brushing more than once a day (73.72%), but most students never used dental floss (77.56%).
Conclusion: The respondents' OHRQoL was quite good, especially for never feeling frustrated with the condition of their teeth and their oral hygiene practice patterns were still lacking in the items of visiting the dentist and using dental floss.
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