Effects of Ethanolic Seed Extract of Dacryodes Edulis on the of Paraquat Induced on Testicular Toxicity in Male Adult Wistar Rats
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Dacryodes edulis, a multipurpose plant contains high concentrations of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents that protect against tissue damage. The study was aimed at determining the ethanolic seed extract of dacryodes edulis on the of paraquat induced on testicular toxicity in male adult wister rat. Fifty-four adult male albino wister rat weighing between 150-180g were used for the study. LD 50 was determined for both dacryodesedulis and paraquat. The rats used for this experiment were distributed into eight groups. Group A (control group) while B C D E F G H were the treated group. (group B paraquat 0.1ml only for4 weeks, group C paraquat only for 2 weeks, group D paraquat + 500mg/kg of dacryodes edulis, group E paraquat only for 2 weeks and discontinued, Group F paraquat +1000mg/kg of dacryodes edulis for 4 weeks’ group G and H received 500mg/kg and 1000mg/kg of dacryodes edulis for 4 weeks. At the end of the experiment animals were anesthetized and samples were collected for assessment. The result from this study shows that paraquat produces destructive effects on testes evaluations, There was significant increase in LH, FSH testosterone level, was high in group C E F. There was also a significant decrease in the body weight and relative organ weight throughout the period of administration. Histopathological finding reveals distortion of the testicular tissues with mild toxicity in group B. The treated group showed sign of recovery and reversal effect of paraquat. In conclusion the ethanolic seed extract of dacryodes edulis possess ability to improve sperm morphology in paraquat toxicity.
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