Effectiveness of the Combination of Cat Stretching With Green Tea on Pain Intensity of Primary Dysmenorrhea
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Dysmenorrhea is lower abdominal pain during menstruation which is usually accompanied by sweating, headaches, diarrhea, and vomiting. It can be treated non-pharmacologically, namely by stretching with green tea. The results of a preliminary study conducted on students at Hang Tuah University Pekanbaru were that they did not know that yoga (cat stretching) with herbal products (green tea) could reduce dysmenorrhoea. This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of the combination of stretching paint with green tea on the intensity of dysmenorrhea in midwifery undergraduate students at Hang Tuah University Pekanbaru in 2024. This research used a two-group test post-test design and was quasi-experimental. The sample population of 298 female students in this study used purposive sampling taking into account the inclusion criteria with a sample size of 40 respondents divided into 2 groups, 20 for the experimental group, 20 for the control group, and data collection via questionnaire links and questionnaire sheets. Wilcoxon Test and Mann-Whitney Test analysis methods. The results of the Wilcoxon test showed that there was an effect of giving a combination of stretching paint and green tea on the intensity of dysmenorrhoea pain (p-value=0.000). The Mann-Whitney test showed that there was a difference in the intensity of dysmenorrhoea pain in the two groups (p-Value=0.000). It is hoped that future research can use samples that are not small or have more than 40 respondents.
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