Effectiveness of Prenatal Gentle Yoga to Improve Norephinefrine Levels in Primigravida and Multigravida Pregnant Women at Pkm Makassar City Region
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Pregnant women are at risk of experiencing anxiety and stress which causes the release of the hormone norepinephrine which is produced by most neurons in the brain stem and hypothalamus. Yoga has a positive impact on the body by reducing the performance of the hypothalamus, thereby releasing neuropeptides which stimulate the pituitary gland and releasing ACTH which suppresses the production of stress hormones. Prenatal Gentle Yoga is a therapy that supports the healthy balance between body and mind that is needed during the process of pregnancy until delivery.
This research was carried out at the Bara Baraya Health Center, Antang Health Center, Kapasa Health Center, and Mamajang Health Center. The research design used in this research is Quasi Experiment with a Nonequivalent Control Group Design approach. Sampling used a purposive sampling technique. The instrument used is ELISA (Enzyme Linked Limmuno Sorbent Assay). The research sample consisted of 24 respondents, 12 people in the intervention group, and 12 people in the control group. Criteria in this research; Primigravida and multigravida pregnant women, pregnant women in the II-III trimester with a gestational age of >=20 to <31 weeks, pregnant women without complications in pregnancy.
Based on statistical tests (Mann Whitney Test), norepinephrine levels in the intervention group decreased (p=0.008), there was a significant difference, in the control group the statistical test showed no significance (p=0.347). Thus, prenatal gentle yoga is effective in reducing levels of the hormone norepinephrine.
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