The Relationship between the Sexual Abstinence Period and Semen Parameters in Oligozoospermic and Asthenozoospermic Infertile Men
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The present study aimed to evaluate the correlation between sexual abstinence period and semen parameters in oligozoospermic and asthenozoospermic infertile men. this study was carried out in laboratories of fertility center in Alsader hospital in province of Najef, and in laboratories of faculty of science, Kufa university in Iraq. oligozoospermic and asthenozoospermic groups were selected in this study .semen analysis was conducted for two both groups according to WHO guidelines, and the correlation between semen parameters and abstinence period were studied.
Our study involved a study of the correlation between the abstinence period and sperm parameters in both two group, oligozoospermia and asthenozoospermia. In the correlation between sperm parameters and abstinence period, the oligozoospermia group showed no significant differences (p>0.05) .While the asthenozoospermia group revealed nonsignificant diffrences in the correlation between abstinence period and sperm concentration and progressive motility percent and it revealed to find a significant correlation (r=0.20;p=0.047) between abstinence period and normal sperm morphology percent. abstinence period has not any effect on sperm parameters in oligozoospermia but there is positive correlation between sexual abstinence period and normal sperm morphology in asthenozoospermia. Study of corelation between abstinence period and ROS and DNA fragmentation for oligo and astheno spermia groups.
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