Effect of Hemoglobinopathies Disease on Adolescent Nutritional States at Hereditary Blood Diseases Centre
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Background: Understanding the impact of hemoglobinopathy on teenagers' nutritional status is critical since it affects both their physical and mental well-being. Nutritional statistics are crucial at this age, particularly for adolescents with hemoglobinopathies during adolescence.
Objective(s :( What is the extent of the effect of hemoglobinopathy on nutritional status? Low, moderate, or severe
Methodology: Thirty-two adolescents with hemoglobinopathy were found at the Hematology Center, Al-Zahra Teaching Hospital, and Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Teaching Hospital in the Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Governorate. A descriptive study design was carried out for them between May 22, 2023, and February 22, 2024. Patients with sickle cell anemia and thalassemia who were adolescents, aged 12 to 18, were chosen. There were two components to the study questionnaire: a scale and demographic information. nutritional status. A panel of twelve experts verified the validity of the questioner and a pilot study with ten patients determined its dependability.
Results: There were 200 male and female patients in the trial, which focused on adolescents (12–19 years old). In light of the general Global Nutritional Assessment in Children indicates a moderate level, as shown by a mean score of 2.295 (±0.5092).
Conclusion: The study showed that the relationship between hemoglobinopathy and nutritional behavior in adolescents was moderate and was affected by demographic factors such as education and blood hemoglobin level.Recommendations: According to the study, patients with hemoglobinopathy should receive special attention. One way to do this is by improving their nutritional status through the dissemination of various programs or protocols, as this is crucial for their age group's mental and physical development.
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