The Influence of Health Education on Elderly Knowledge about Healthy Lifestyle Patterns at RW 08 Jayagiri Lembang Village
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Knowledge about healthy lifestyles is an important factor that can influence the quality of life of the elderly. Health education is one intervention that can increase this knowledge. This research aims to determine the effect of health education on elderly people's knowledge about healthy lifestyles. This research method uses a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group approach. The research sample consisted of 32 elderly people who were selected using purposive sampling and divided into two groups: an experimental group that was given health education and a control group that did not receive intervention. Health education was carried out through lectures, discussions and giving leaflets over four sessions. The results of data analysis using the Wilcoxon test showed a significant increase in knowledge about healthy lifestyles in the experimental group compared to the control group. The average knowledge score in the experimental group increased from 60.3 to 85.7 after the intervention, while the control group did not show a significant change. Health education has proven effective in increasing elderly knowledge about healthy lifestyles. This intervention can be a strategy in health promotion programs for the elderly. It is recommended that health education programs regarding healthy lifestyles be held more frequently and made part of routine services at community health centers or elderly communities. Apart from that, further research needs to be carried out to see the long-term influence of health education on changes in behavior and quality of life for the elderly.
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