A Study of the Outcomes of a Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) 7-Day Healing Camp for Health &Wellness Conducted at the YPV Ashram, Sri Ramana Trust in December 2023
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Introduction: The integrated and holistic healing protocols of the Yoga Prana vidya (YPV) system have been making significant contributions to people as complementary and alternative therapies to the various mainstream healthcare systems. YPV healing camps are conducted by Competent YPV healers to raise the awareness of people on the need to learn and practice healthy lifestyles for the cure and prevention of diseases. This paper presents the outcomes of one such Health & Wellness camp conducted by a team of 8 YPV healers for a week in December 2023.
Method: This is an interventional study with data collected from 27 patients who participated in the camp. Data was collected on selected health parameters before and after the camp ended to know the improvements the patients experienced in this one-week camp.
Results: The mean body weight and BMI (Body mass Index) reduced by 1.88 % and 1.66% respectively. Those with diabetes and BP became normal. Patients who had physical pain, mobility, and flexibility issues were greatly relieved and were able to walk normally. Cases of constipation, hypothyroidism, psoriasis, varicose veins, and acne were resolved to return to normal condition. An alcoholic case was successfully de-addicted after 3 days of healing treatment. Improvements were noticed in patients with eye/vision problems. Those who had mental and emotional issues were also found to be calm and peaceful by the end of the camp.
Conclusions: It is observed that the patients in this YPV healing camp experienced satisfactory improvements in their health and wellness issues. The team of healers did a dedicated service helping and treating the patients holistically with a combination of exercises, rhythmic breathing protocols, the right diet, and meditations. The patients appreciated and practiced the lifestyle changes needed based on the principles of YPV energy healing system protocols. There is great scope to conduct more such camps in rural and semi-urban areas to disseminate this knowledge to the general population.
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