Antioxidant Activity Test of Outstreched Bark Extract (Campnosperma Brevipetiolatum Volkens) using the DPPH Method
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Outstretched bark (Campnosperma brevipetiolatum Volken) is rich in tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and saponins. Herbal plants contain flavonoids, which are excellent antioxidants. Determine the amounts of phytochemical substances present in the sample and assess the antioxidant activity using the DPPH (1.1-diphenyl, 2-picrylhydrazil) technique at concentrations of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 parts per million. The presenance of alkaloids alkaloids, saponins, and tannins was detected in the phytochemical screening findings against ethanol extracts of outstretched bark. 96% ethanol solvent is used in the maceration technique of extraction. Vitamin C is the positive control utilized. According to the findings of tests for antioxidant activity, ethanol extract at 11.25 ppm has a very high potential for antioxidant activity because its IC50 value is 3.55 ppm.
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