The Role of Magnesium Sulfate to Facilitate Classical LMA Insertion, in Spontaneous Breathing Anesthesia
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Background: Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) is a noninvasive supraglottic device that requires Smooth insertion and correct positioning of an LMA requires adequate through mouth opening and sufficient depth of anesthesia to prevent complications such as gagging, coughing, swallowing, head and limb movements and laryngospasm. Propofol is consider the induction agent of choice for LMA insertion but when used alone it provides less than satisfactory LMA insertion conditions.
Aim of the study: Is to find The role Of Magnesium Sulfate to facilitate classical LMA insertion ,in spontaneous breathing anesthesia.
Patients and method: A prospective randomizes clinical trial study was carried out in General Surgery theatres of Baghdad Teaching Hospital. A 40 patients where included and they were undergoing minor elective surgery, divided into two groups equally, magnesium group (M group, n=16) and control group (C group, n=18), 6 cases were dropped from the study(2 from C group and 4 from M group).
All patients were premeditated with Ranitidine 50mg, Metoclopramide 10mg and Dexamethasone 8mg. Then patient would receive either a 100ml of (0.09% N/S) for the C group, or 30mg/Kg of Magnesium Sulfate in 100ml of (0.09% N/S) for the M group.
Results: that there were no significant differences between M group (n=16) and C group (n=18) in the age, weight and duration of surgery where p value was (0.571, 0.791 and 0.351 respectively).
Also there was no improvement in LMA insertion condition in M group in compares to C group regarding number of insertion attempt where p value was non-significant(0.498),nor did it influence the easiness of LMA grading were P value was found to be(1,0.112 and 0.471 for grades I,II and III respectively),but an accidental finding that M group had a shorter time duration from skin closure until LMA removal which was significant (p=0.021).
Conclusion: We concluded that giving magnesium sulfate infusion at 30 mg/Kg prior to induction, does not improve LMA insertion condition in spontaneous breathing anesthesia.
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