Modernization of the Catalyst Composition for the Synthesis of Acrylic Acid Nitrile in Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Media

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Yangibaev S.
Nuraliev S. R.
Ernazarov K.A.


The effect of the components of the catalyst solution for the hydrocyanation of acetylene on the activity and selectivity of the process under liquid-phase conditions has been studied. The introduction of ZnSO 4 and ZnO additives into the shop catalyst did not give a positive effect under these conditions.
Studies of catalysts in non-aqueous media lead to an increase in their activity and selectivity in comparison with aqueous media. It has been shown that the composition of the CuCl - NMP - DMF catalyst is characterized by high activity (up to 32 g / l.h.) and selectivity (83-90%), i.e. the activity of this composition is almost twice as high as compared to the water-based ones (12-18 g l.h.).

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How to Cite
S., Y. ., S. R., N. ., & K.A., E. . (2021). Modernization of the Catalyst Composition for the Synthesis of Acrylic Acid Nitrile in Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Media. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Bio Medical Science, 1(9), 197–200.


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