Crude Extract of Terminalia Chebula Fruit Effect on Gastro Intestinal Disorders Using Different Animal Models
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Terminalia chebula is an ancient medicinal herb. it is also known as Haritaki, Yellow myrobalan, Chebulic myrobalan, Yellow myrobalan, and Terminalia chebulabe longs to Combretaceae family is a major Ayurvedic medicine that is native to South Asia, predominantly from India. Apart from Ayurveda, it is commonly used in Unani and Homeopathic medicine systems. Because of the broad variety of pharmacological activities connected with the biologically active constitutents found throughout this herb, it is included in conventional medicine. The fruit contains main pharmacological activities such as Hepatoprotective activity, Cytoprotective activity Cardioprotective activity, Antidiabetic and renoprotective activity, Antibacterial activity, Antifungal activity, Antiviral activity, Antiprotozoal activity, Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity, antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity, Anticarcinogenic activity, Antimutagenic, radioprotective and Chemopreventive activity, Hypolipidemic and hypocholesterolemic activity, Adaptogenic and anti anaphylactic activities, Gastrointestinal motility improving and anti-ulcerogenic activity, Antispasmodic activity, Wound healing activity, Anticaries activity, Immunomodulatory activity any many are reported with scientific evidence. All these ancient applications of Terminalia chebula as home remedies have been confirmed in preclinical trials. The current evidence on the effect of Terminalia chebula intake or consumption on gastrointestinal disorders and diseases is scientifically based on preclinical and clinical trials. All these ancient applications of Terminalia chebula as home remedies have been confirmed in preclinical trials. The current evidence on the effect of Terminalia chebula intake or consumption on gastrointestinal disorders and diseases is scientifically based on preclinical and clinical trials. Study indicates different dosage of Terminalia chebula is effective to get relief from gastrointestinal troubles. Due to less number of gastrointestinal studies, there is no scientific report to consume a specific amount of dose. To prove that Terminalia chebula and its standard extracts are effective as a gastroprotective agent, more comprehensive preclinical and clinical trials are required. To reliably evaluate the appropriate dosages for specific disorders and preparation of extract of Terminalia chebula fruit in prospective human trials procedures, dose-finding preclinical studies should be conducted. There is an evident need for more patient and physician education concerning specific therapies, legislation to regulate the quality of pharmaceutical preparations, and, in particular, more clinical and pre-clinical trials to determine the value and safety of such medicaments in digestive and other disorders.
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