Educational Program on Nurses Knowledge about Blood Exchange Transfusion in Neonatal Care Units
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Background: Exchange transfusion entails the sequential drawing and injecting of blood aliquots via peripheral or central venous and arterial lines. Notably, arterial lines—either peripheral or umbilical—should not be used for donor blood injections; rather, they should only be used for baby blood withdrawal. To ascertain the Nurses' Knowledge of Blood Exchange Transfusion in Neonatal Intensive Care Units Educational Program.
Methods: Designing a quasi-experimental using (non-probability) To ascertain the impact of a training program on nurses' performance with regard to blood exchange transfusion, purposeful sampling was used. The "Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software for Windows (Version 26)" is used to analyze data.
Results: This result showed that 33.3%(10) of the study's nurses and 33.3%(10) of the control group's nurses were between the ages of 31 and 35.The study's findings regarding the gender of the nursing staff showed that 53.3% of the participants (19) were female. and of the fifteen participants, 63.3% were men. 50% of the participants are nurses.had a Nursing Institute (15) In terms of general years of experience, 33.3% (10) of the sample had six to ten years of experience, and 3.0% worked in the pediatric department.
Conclusion: The study concluded that the nurses’ knowledge about the blood transfusion process before giving the educational program to the patients was poor, and through the intervention and giving the nursing program, their knowledge became good. The reason is due to the effectiveness of the effective programs.
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