The Effect of Rapamycin on the Cyclin D Expression in Some Tissues of Swiss Albino Mice Mus Masculus Embryos
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The current study aimed to investigate the effects of Rapamycin (Rapa) on the cyclin D expression in heart and liver tissues of Swiss albino mice Mus masculus embryos at different Embryonic Developmental stages. The study conducted on Thirty- two pregnant albino mice, were randomly divided into four groups, each group contained eight pregnant mice. Each group received Rapamycin (Rapa) at different doses, via intraperitoneally injection (IP), at different gestational days until the conclusion of the designated times, whereas the control groups received a DMSO. Pregnant mice were administered the desired doses under the same environmental circumstances. According to pharmacological constitutions, body weight was used to establish the dosages. After that, on days 13th and 16th, the mice were put to killing. Current study used another two concentrations from drug, one less than the therapeutic dosage (0.75mg/kg of Rapamycin) and another more than the therapeutic dosage (3mg /kg of Rapamycin). Quantification of the IHC of cytoplasmic proportion and intensity showed cytoplasmic expression of Cyclin D in tissue of mice embryos heart the control group and other treatment groups differed significantly from one another at (P <0.05), while there wasn't a significant difference between the treatment groups which received 0.75 and 1.5mg/kg of Rapamycin, in embryonic liver tissue. At gestation day 16th, there was no significant difference in expression of Cyclin D between control group and treated group with 0.75mg/kg of Rapamycin, while there was a significant difference in Cyclin D expression at (P < 0.05) between treated groups with 0.75mg/kg of and treated group with 1.5 and 3 mg/kg of Rapamycin and from these results we concluded that the use of Rapamycin has been affected on checkpoints of cell cycle during embryogenesis, which appeared through its effects on cyclin D expression.
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