Prevalence of Impacted Third Molars Among Iraqi Patients Attending Al-Maghrib Specialized Dental Health Center in Relation to Age and Gender Using Panoramic Radiographs.
Main Article Content
Introduction: The most commonly impacted tooth is third molar.
Aim: To investigate the prevalence of pattern of third molar impaction among patients attending Al-Maghrib specialized dental health center in Baghdad city.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted on digital orthopantomogram (OPGs) of high quality belonged to 519 patients referred to Al-Maghrib specialized dental health center in Baghdad city/Iraq between January2023 to June 2023. Data include age, gender and angulation type.
Results: The age range was 20-70 years old. The prevalence of impacted third molar was 92%. The percentage of impacted lower third molar (51%) was higher than that of upper third molar (49%). Middle-aged patients (20-30, 31-40 years) recorded higher percentages of impaction than other age groups (31.7% and 32% respectively). Male gender revealed higher percentage (58%) of impaction than female gender (42%). Vertical and then mesioangular inclinations are the most prevalent types of lower third molar angulations (45% and 30% respectively).
Conclusion: Higher prevalence of impaction in third molars was recorded in the current study that was more prevalent in the middle-aged patients with male predilection. The impaction was more common in the mandible than the maxilla. The most prevalent lower third molar angulation is vertical followed by mesioangular.
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