The Biological Impact of Co-Treatment with Coenzyme Q10 and Zinc Methionine on Some Biochemical Parameters in Awassi Ewes
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This study was conducted in the Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture, University of Tikrit, to study the impact of treatment with Coenzyme Q10 and Zinc Methionine on some blood biochemical parameters in Awassi lambs. A total of 20 Awassi lambs, aged between 4 and 4.5 months, with an average weight of 21.71 ± 0.34 kg, were utilized and randomly assigned to five treatment groups. The first group received distilled water, while the second and third groups were administered Coenzyme Q10 at doses of 25 and 50 mg per 5 ml of water per animal, respectively. The fourth and fifth groups received a combination of Coenzyme Q10 and Zinc Methionine at doses of (25 mg of Q10/ 5 ml of water/animal + 100 mg of zinc/ animal) and (50 mg of Q10/5 ml of water/animal + 100 mg of zinc/animal), respectively. The results of this study revealed significant (P ≤ 0.05) increases in the levels of total proteins and albumin in the blood of animals in the fifth, fourth, and third treatment groups compared to the first and second groups. Moreover, a significant increase in globulin levels was observed in the fifth and third treatment groups compared to the other groups 90 days after treatment. Additionally, there was a significant (P ≤ 0.05) decrease in the total cholesterol level in the blood serum of animals in the fifth treatment group compared to the other groups. Furthermore, there was a significant (P ≤ 0.05) reduction in the levels of triglycerides and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, as well as a significant reduction in atherogenic index in the treated animals compared to the control group. Additionally, there was a significant (P ≤ 0.05) decrease in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the blood serum of animals in the fifth and fourth treatment groups compared to the control group, while high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels showed a significant increase in the fifth and fourth treatment groups compared to the control group after 90 days of treatment.
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