The Effect of Infection with some Intestinal Parasites on some Immune Parameters
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275 fecal samples were collected from visitors to Tikrit Teaching Hospital and some private laboratories in Tikrit city/Salah al-Din Governorate. The collection period lasted from December 2022 until April 2023. The study included examining samples of both males and females of different ages.
The study showed a significant decrease in level of IgG among people infected with Entamoeba histolytica by 92.00 ± 19.1, as well as for people infected with Giardia lamblia, as a significant decrease was recorded by 76.43 ± 15.1 compared to healthy people by a percentage of 130.60 ± 29.5.
No significant difference was recorded between people infected with E.histolytica in level of IgM, as the percentage reached 83.4 ± 13.6. Likewise, for people infected with G.lamblia, no significant difference was recorded, as the percentage was (106.0 ± 21.7) compared to healthy people, as the percentage reached ( 84.6 ± 18.0. ).
There was a significant decrease in the level of the CD4 differentiation complex among people infected with E. histolytica by a rate of 160.8 ± 23.9. Likewise, for people infected with G. lamblia, a significant decrease was recorded, reaching a rate of 187.5 ± 31.8 compared to healthy people by a rate of 475.2 ± 28.1.
A significant decrease was recorded among people infected with E. histolytica in the level of CD8 differentiation complex, as the percentage reached 9.00 ± 2.51. Likewise, for people infected with G. lamblia , a significant decrease was recorded by 10.18 ± 2.60 compared to healthy people, with a percentage of 14.50 ± 3.40.
There was a significant decrease in the level of IL6 in people infected with E. histolytica, as the percentage reached 85.02 ± 13.20, while in people infected with G. lamblia, no significant difference was recorded, as the percentage reached 196.30 ± 17.10, compared to healthy people, with a percentage of 220.20 ± 23.20.
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