Hydrodictyon algae Extract on Germination and Effect of Growth of Seedlings of Wheat and Barley Plants under Salinity Stress and Chemical Study for it
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This study to specialize about effect of salinity on growth wheat and barley plant era won variety during germination stage and seedling growth and study of role algae extract Hydrodictyon algae in the effect on that plants under salinity stress. to choose category as category from categories wheat plant for study. to assessed of concentrations 0, 50, 100 m mol from solution NaCl. to assessed of concentrations 0, 0.05, 0.1 g/100 ml from algae extract Hydrodictyon algae for process experimental plants. to used measurements of growth as indicator for plants response for salinity process and algal extract is germination percentage, elongation of plumules and rootlet, percentage of water content and determination proline acid. The results indicated that salinity have negatively influent on most of used measurements. process barley and wheat plants with Hydrodictyon algae extract and interactive its effect with salinity to lead to over incorporeal high in most of used measurements as indicator for over resistance this plant for salinity with process algae extract. according to results of study and compare from other studies in this connection, that we to lead to process barley plants with Hydrodictyon algae extract for help of plant in resistance salinity stress.
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