Stachybotrys Chartarum Secondary Metabolots of Poisonic Microzoquary
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Filtered culture fluids of the Stachybotrys chartarum strain were exhaustively extracted with ethyl acetate. The iso lated red residue was subjected to column chro matography (silica gel) with gradient elution, resulting in 2 different fractions. Fraction 1-2 consisted of a crystalline material that showed the same parameters of 1H and 13C as the parameters of staxibotrilaktam and staxibotrilaktam А, a derivative of driman's sesquiterpenoid. The structure proposed for this compound was based on spectroscopic data and no indication of the configuration of stereogenic carbon atoms was obtained. The fungus was produced mainly stachybotrys fully characterized derived sesquiterpenoid of drimana.
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