The Effectiveness of Propolis as a Natural Antibiotic against Some Skin Fungi Pathogenic to Humans
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This study was conducted to determine the extent of the inhibitory effect of propolis against some skin fungi pathogenic to humans, including T. interdigitale, T. mentagrophytes, M. cains, A. nidulans, Aspergillus flavus, C. albicans. As well as knowing the effective and biologically active substances contained in propolis through chemical analysis (gas chromatography) (GC-MS) and comparing its effect to antibiotics, the results showed: an effective inhibitory effect of aqueous and alcoholic propolis extracts against all skin fungi tested, and the alcoholic propolis extract was more effective against the fungi compared to the aqueous propolis extract, which had an effective effect against A.flavus better than alcoholic, and the propolis extract, as a natural antibiotic, was effective compared to the antibiotics used, and the highest average inhibition of the type of extracts was alcoholic against (20.10A) C.albicans and the highest average inhibition of fungi was (16.99A) for C. albicans, and the largest inhibition diameter was recorded against T. mentagrophytes (27.75 mm).
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