Impact of Strengthening and Proprioceptive Exercises on Balance and Activities of Daily Living (ADLS) In Knee Osteoarthritis Patients from West Delhi, Indianpopulation
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Background: Knee osteoarthritis (OA)is a chronic joint disease, primarily occurring in aged population. Rehabilitation of knee osteoarthritis aims to reduce pain and disability by strengthening, raising endurance, range of motion, proprioception and improving aerobic fitness.
Aim and Objectives: This study aimed to analyse and compare the impact of strengthening and proprioceptive exercises on balance and activities of daily living in knee OAin population of west Delhi, India.
Material & Methods- Thirty OA patients were enrolled from Khetarpal hospital, Delhi, after taking ethical approval and informed consent. A study was explained to subjects and data was obtained as per proforma. Age of patients ranged from 50-80 years. Diagnosis was established based on radiological examination shown in the knee joint X-ray. Statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS software (Version 26).
Results- Patients treated with the strengthening and proprioceptive exercises showed t-value on Berg balance scale(BBS)as -16.12 and 13.15 respectively, and the parameter of Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) showed -13.21 and 13.481 respectively, were statistically significant.
Conclusion-The study groups showed, both the exercises helped reduce pain and improved the balance of daily-based activities. Furthermore, both the groups showed a significant improvement in BBS and KOOS scales.
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