The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Sport and Change-Event on Athlete Performance
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The study aims to investigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on sports, its industry and competitions, and its impact on the psychological state of athletes and sports fans. After the world suffered from the spread of the Corona pandemic “Covid 19” and its various effects on humans, as it was classified by the World Health Organization as one of the pandemic diseases that spread quickly, widely and rapidly and that led to human losses. Covid 19 led to the adoption of a set of health measures, the most important of which was quarantine as a preventive measure aimed at limiting the spread of infection, and this led to huge losses in global markets, the energy sector, the economy, tourism and entertainment. The sports field was not excluded from these repercussions, as it is an important sector on the economic, sports and social levels, the sports sector has been particularly affected by the Covid -19 crisis in a way we have not seen before, with all physical activities, face-to-face, and all team sports suddenly being restricted indefinitely in many countries. And this change is significant for most male and female athletes professionals and non-professionals competing in various tournaments, and as a result, sports organizations have had to restructure themselves to provide a service to their users. The coronavirus pandemic has caused the biggest disruption to the global sporting calendar since World War II worldwide with varying degrees of postponement of sporting events so that spectators do not have matches to watch and players do not have matches to play. Turkmenistan, Belarus, Nicaragua, and Tajikistan are among the countries that have continued to hold professional sports contests as scheduled. The Arctic Winter Games have been canceled for 2020, whereas the ASEAN Olympic Games have been rescheduled for 2020.
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