A Study of Methanol Seed Extract of Lepidium Sativum Effect on Some Entero Bacteria and Fungi (Asparagillus Niger)
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The results of the current study indicated the effect of methanol seed extract at a concentration of 200mg/ml there was a variation effect of L. sativum methanol seed extract against the studied bacteria, in the diameter of the inhibition zone with diver’s bacterial strain Staph. aureus gave the highest inhibition zone value was 26mm at 1ml of L. sativum methanol seed extract while E. coli and E. faecelis did not give any inhibition zone at 0.12 ml of L. sativum methanol seed extract, there was a variation of effect among gram-negative and positive bacteria in their response to different solvent seed extracts.
There was a variation effect in the antifungal activity of the methanol seed extract against Aspergillus niger the results established the methanol seed extract appeared the differences in their antioxidant activity and diverse variety. It was variation in the activity in relation to concentration (activity decrease with decrease extract concentration), Seed extract showed antioxidant activity in this study, the anti-oxidation effect of the L. sativum seeds extract by methanol, which give the highest percentages at concentration 1mg, reaching 91.419 and the lowest value at concentration 0.12, which amounted to 81.308. The present study deals with, antimicrobial properties and Anti-oxidant activity constituents of Gc seeds.
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