Advances in Laboratory-Based Cancer Screening and Early Detection: A Comprehensive Review of Strategies and Challenges
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The identification and timely detection of cancer hold essential significance in mitigating the adverse health outcomes and fatalities associated with this disease. In recent years, laboratory-based approaches have emerged as invaluable tools in augmenting the accuracy and effectiveness of cancer screening processes. This comprehensive review aims to present a comprehensive overview of laboratory-based techniques utilized in cancer screening and early detection, along with the challenges encountered during their implementation. The current review provides an in-depth analysis of various laboratory methodologies utilized in the realm of cancer screening, including blood tests, molecular assays, and histopathological examination. Special attention is given to the significance of biomarkers and molecular diagnostics as powerful tools for identifying genetic mutations and alterations associated with malignancy. Furthermore, this inquiry explores the efficacy of liquid biopsies as non-invasive screening modalities and delves into the inherent challenges encountered during the analysis of these samples. Through offering a meticulous and all-encompassing survey of laboratory-based cancer screening and early detection, the present review presents invaluable discernments into the strategies employed and challenges encountered within this crucial realm of cancer investigation. The primary objective is to contribute to the advancement of laboratory practices and the optimization of screening methodologies, thereby fostering enhanced outcomes in the early detection and management of cancer.
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