H. Pylori and Autoimmune Disorders: Unraveling the Links between Chronic Infection and Immune Dysfunction: Review Paper
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The human stomach is home to the Gram-negative bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which has been connected to several gastrointestinal disorders. There may be a link between H. pylori infection and the start of autoimmune disorders, according to recent research. This review examines the intricate connections between persistent H. pylori infection, immune system dysregulation, and their possible role in initiating autoimmune disorders. The study begins with a summary of H. pylori infection and its prevalence worldwide, emphasizing the mounting data that connects this bacterium to autoimmune disorders. Then, using experimental data from animal models and epidemiological research as support, it undertakes a thorough review of autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and autoimmune gastritis linked to H. pylori infection. The review looks at the clinical consequences and existing treatments, emphasizing how important it is to screen for and diagnose H. pylori infection in patients with autoimmune disorders. Moreover, current studies are looking into possibly using H. pylori removal as a therapeutic approach to lessen autoimmune symptoms.
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