Description of Community Perceptions of Generic Drugs and Patented Drugs in Borimasunggu Village, Maros Baru District, Maros Regency
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Today's drugs are widely circulated in society, both patent drugs and generic drugs, in general, consumers or the public are more interested in consuming patent drug products than generic products. The aim of this research is to know the public's perception of generic drugs and patent medicines. This type of observational/survey research is descriptive in nature, the sampling technique is purposive sampling so that the sampling will go through certain considerations used in the research. The research population is the people of Borimasunggu Village, totaling 920 people in 2022. Thus, a sample of 278 respondents was obtained. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire. The method used to obtain information through questionnaire sheets was then tabulated and tested using the SPSS version 20 program. Based on the results found, it can be concluded that the level of public perception of generic drugs and patented drugs in Borimasunggu Village, Maros Baru District, Maros Regency is categorized as sufficient with an average - average 3.19 for the respondent's achievement level of 63.7. The lack of public perception is caused by a lack of education. In other matters, the public must know when choosing drugs because in order not to make the wrong choice in terms of price, there is an assumption that generic drugs are cheap and of low quality. The public does not fully know that generic drugs have similarities with patent drugs starting from their active ingredients, equivalent therapeutic effects, concentration and strength of the type of preparation. So, don't hesitate to take generic drugs.
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