A Review on Potentiality of Marine Algae in Environmental Sustainability
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Marine algae are substantial in their natural habitats and even more now in the world of green technology. The essential products extracted from marine algae are highly analyzed areas in impulsive product research. The diverse development in the employment of algae to conquer the environmental complications has stimulated the assurance of achieving the sustainability. The word sustainability represents the comprehensively productive improvements of the environment that encircle an amble compelling and their management. The hasty growth of the population and rapid civilization has led mankind to the exhaustive exploitation of nature and its vibrant resources. However, today humans have realized the catastrophes instigated because of their preceding errors and have already been facing future sustenance challenges. Today, it has turned out to be a challenging task to discover and to develop an eco-friendly, cost-effective and cutting-edge strategies to encounter the current sustainability glitches like, sustainable agriculture solutions, feedstock crisis, pollution, carbon neutrality, industrial effluents and waste water treatment, energy crisis and xenobiotic components that contaminates the natural ecosystem. Marine algae are very good source of bioactive compounds as it is rich in dietary fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, carotenoids, vitamins and minerals. They are effectively crucial due to its extensive spectrum of applications as food, fodder, pisciculture, fertilizer etc. Thus the present review discusses the far ranging opportunities of using marine algae for environmental sustainability
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