The Impact of Perennial Covers on Soil Microbiome and Nutrient Dynamic
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Our study discusses the impact of different cropping practices on soil health indicator and crop yield. The combination of no fertilization and perennialization enhanced soil health indicators and crop yield compared to conventional tillage annual crop fallow. The results showed that excessive nitrogen fertilization increases soil bulk density, while perennialization with no fertilizer added improves it. Higher carbon content was recorded under corn cultivation, but higher carbon-to-nitrogen ratio was shown in perennial covers. The study highlights the benefits of adopting perennial crops without fertilization for soil health and suggests improved management practices for sustainable agriculture.
Our finding is particularly significant as it suggests an alternative approach to farming that improve soil health while reducing the reliance on synthetic fertilizer. It provides valuable insights for farmers, policymakers, and researches enabling them to make informed decisions and implement practices that support both productivity and environmental stewardship, Overall, it underscores the importance of responsible fertilizer use and improved management practices for maintaining soil fertility and promoting sustainable agriculture system.
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