Effect of Phenolic Extract of Cress Seed on Cations and Osmolality in Rabbit Seminal Plasma
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This study aimed to investigated the effect of cress seeds phenolic extract as an antioxidant on cations and osmolality of rabbit seminal plasma. Four groups (24 male and 10 female) of rabbits were taken (N=6). First group was control (Distilled water) and other groups received orally phenol extract (30, 60 and 90 mg/kg), once daily for 60 days. The information of cations concentrations and osmolality of seminal plasma were collected and evaluated. The concentrations of copper, cadmium, lead and potassium were significantly declined (p0.05). While the concentration of iron, sodium, calcium and osmolality increased significantly in the seminal plasma of experimental groups compared to control. Through the results, the appropriate dose of phenolic extract from local plant Rashad can be used as a medicine in improving human fertility through its role in reducing the damage of trace elements and improving semen osmolality, and as results of its antioxidant function.
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