Amyand's Hernia Purpose of a Case Report

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Frank Barrios Caro
Cinthya Barrios Caro
Ledwik Barrios Caro
Stefano Bellini Pardo
Alejandro Blanquiceth Diaz
Karen Cabria Gonzalez
Maria Ema Cruz Leon


Amyand's hernia is one that contains an inflamed cecal appendix through an inguinal hernia defect1. It is a rare disease, since it occurs only in 0.13% of cases and the diagnosis is generally made during the perioperative period, since in most cases it is confused with an incarcerated inguinal hernia. The case of a patient with hernia of amyand2

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How to Cite
Frank Barrios Caro, Cinthya Barrios Caro, Ledwik Barrios Caro, Stefano Bellini Pardo, Alejandro Blanquiceth Diaz, Karen Cabria Gonzalez, & Maria Ema Cruz Leon. (2021). Amyand’s Hernia Purpose of a Case Report. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Bio Medical Science, 1(7), 102–103.


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