The Influence Of Hypertension Patient Satisfaction On Post Covid19 Telepharmacy At Tanralili Puskesmas, Maros Regency
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Patient satisfaction is the patient's expectations arising from the actions of health workers as a result of the performance of health services during the process of interacting in an effort to provide services. At the end of 2019 the world was shocked by the spread of Covid-19 so social restrictions were put in place which resulted in decreased service performance and could affect patient satisfaction. This problem can be overcome by improving health services, namely telepharmacy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hypertension patient satisfaction on post-Covid-19 telepharmacy services at the Tanralili Health Center, Maros Regency. The type of research used in this research is non-experimental, with a descriptive quantitative method and prospective data collection in the form of a questionnaire. Sampling used a purposive sampling technique with samples that met the inclusion criteria for hypertension patients at the Tanralili Health Center, Maros Regency, who had received telepharmacy and were willing to fill out a questionnaire. The results of the research on the satisfaction of hypertensive patients with post-covid-19 telepharmacy at the Tanralili Health Center, Maros district, namely the reliability aspect (97.2%), the responsiveness aspect (98.93%), and the empathy aspect (95.6%) which is the value of the level of satisfaction of respondents to telepharmacy provided by Pharmacy Staff. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that hypertensive patients are very satisfied with receiving telepharmaceuticals, which can be seen from the percentage of satisfaction.
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