Mineral profile of Edible Marine algae Padina tetrastromatica, Hauck
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Seaweeds are an important ingredient of functional foods recommended for daily food due to their unique compositions and nutritional value. They are the vital source of rich nutrition in dietary fibre, low lipid content, high polysaccharide concentration, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. The nutritional and pharmacological potential of marine macroalgae drives our continuous interest in investigating the edible seaweeds. The present study mainly focuses on the mineral profile of the edible algae Padina tetrastromaica, collected from Thikkodi coast, Kerala. P. tetrastromatica, belongs to the family Dictyotacece, which have the copious source of pharmacologically active compounds and exhibits unalike properties such as antibiotic, anticoagulant, antihyperglycemic, antiviral and anti-cancerous. Thus the present study reveals the mineral profile of the edible marine algae P.tetrastromatica, which has higher amount of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium and low amount of Iron . The results concluded that the marine brown algae selected for the present study holds a good amount of primary and secondary metabolites.
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