Chronic Renal Failure in Hemodialysis Patients
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Objective: This study was a retrospective cross-sectional examination.
Methods: The study enrolled 301 patients in 2018 who were referred to dialysis clinic. Data is collected through a series of questions about demographics (gender, age, education, employment, housing, marital status) and a checklist for causes of chronic renal failure (hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease, etc.). The Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and SPSS version 24 were utilized to carry out inferential statistics.
Results: Patients on hemodialysis typically develop chronic renal failure due to high blood pressure, although kidney disease and diabetes also play a role. Among the many potential factors that led to ESRD in these patients, the most common were: other/unspecified causes (15.3%), surgical history (6.3%), anemia (5%), trauma (4.3%), shock (7.7%) (2%), viral diseases (2%), drug use and congenital causes (1.3%), and poisoning during pregnancy and lupus (0.3%).
Conclusions: According to the results of this study, promoting screening procedures for patients who are at risk may help to lower the prevalence of end-stage renal failure.
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