A Case Study of Senso Neural Hearing Loss Healed Successfully Using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPY) Healing Protocols
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Introduction: When some damage to the inner ear occurs, it results in senso neural hearing loss (SNHL). Common causes include exposure to loud noises, genetic factors, or the natural aging process. Medical recommendations generally include hearing aids or assistive devices. This paper presents a case of SNHL treated successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya Healing techniques helping the patient to fully regain normal hearing capabilities.
Method: This paper uses case study method of investigation by going through patient’s medical records, YPV healer’s records and patient’s feedback.
Results: After two days of healing sessions, the patient experienced bearable noise level, By the end of 9 sessions, noise almost reduced and hearing was improved by 80%, and PTA test score reduced from 41 to 28. She attended and learnt Healer development programme Level 1 (HDP L1) course, and she continued with self-healing. A follow up after a year and half showed perfectly normal hearing with PTA score of 13.
Conclusions: Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) healing protocols have cured the Senso hearing loss in this case, and further research is recommended with appropriate sample size and methodology. In view of being an integrated and holistic system, it will be helpful for the frontline health workers such as doctors and nurses to learn and practice YPV healing protocols to complement their specialties.
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