Microbiological Examination of Meat-pie sold in Owerri Municipal
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Background: Microbial pollution of baked foods like meat-pie sold by street hawkers has become a world health challenge. Pastries foods sold in Nigeria cities are consumed by huge sector of people both the old and young.
Method: This present study was carried out to monitor the microbiological quality of street foods like meat-pie sold in Owerri municipal area of Imo state. These were analyzed by standard procedures to ascertain the colony forming units/ gram of meat-pie samples. The aerobic colony counts samples were categorize as sufficient, capable and insufficient collection according to public health laboratory services, UK guidelines for total coliform counts, because guideline were used.
Result: All the plates studied indicated the evidence of coliform. The outcome of the study prove that the meat-pie samples studied in Owerri municipal were heavily polluted with microbes, proving the non-enforcement of inspection and inadequate of maintenance of standard contact to hygienic aspect of meat-pie.
Conclusion:It is insinuated that proper ethics of hygienic and sanitary conditions has to be maintained both personally and institutionally from preparation to cleaning, is required in street food centers to avoid any food born hygienic outbreak in future
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