In Silico: Analysis of the Potential of Bromelain, Zingibain and Papain as an Alternative Medicine for Fungal Keratitis
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Background: Fungal keratitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the cornea caused by fungi. The main treatment for fungal keratitis is Natamycin 5%. Disadvantages of natamycin are its poor penetration and increased resistance due to fungi which lower the level of ergosterol in its wall.
Purpose: Investigates the effect of bromelain, zingibain and papain on LOX-1 receptors in fungal keratitis caused by Aspergillus fumigatus.
Result: The LOX-1 receptor with bromelain produces a binding energy value of -827.8. While the results of docking LOX-1 receptors with zingibain resulted in a binding energy value of -1096.3. Furthermore, the results of docking the LOX-1 receptor with papain resulted in a binding energy value of -900.0.
Conclusion: zingibain has the highest potency among the three enzymes Papain as an Alternative Medicine for Fungal Keratitis
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