Factors Influencing a Mother's Ability to Breastfeed
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Aim. The goal of this essay is to look into the factors that affect moms to start and continue exclusive breastfeeding.
Background. Breastfeeding is the most successful and cost-efficient survival strategy, with the potential to cut child mortality in underdeveloped nations by up to 13% [2], [3]. Breastfeeding should begin within one hour of delivery, be exclusive from birth to six months of age, and continue until the child is two years old or older. [4]
Materials and Methods. A qualitative design is used in this investigation. The experiences of breastfeeding informants will be collected, summarized, and reported in detail.
narratively. In January 2020, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held with mothers of infants aged 5-6 months. The purpose of this study is to investigate exclusive breastfeeding knowledge, practice, and decision making.
Result. The majority of moms have received information about exclusive breastfeeding, however there are still some mothers who have not. Mothers who have heard about exclusive breastfeeding nevertheless have varied ideas about how long they should breastfeed. Certainly, the mother is unaware of the length of exclusive nursing.
Conclusions. Breastfeeding is a major global public health issue. This review demonstrates that information of exclusive breastfeeding, awareness of breastfeeding methods, and social support (family, husband, and health workers) are all elements that can influence exclusive breastfeeding success. Starting and keeping breastfeeding is still a difficulty for moms today, therefore understanding exclusive breastfeeding, breastfeeding legislation, and social support can all help with nursing success.
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